Myofascial Release

What is Myofascial Release?

Myofasical Release (MFR) is a gentle and effective whole body soft tissue therapy. The aim of MFR is to release tension and restrictions in the fascial network of the body and reduce pain and discomfort. It is suitable for all ages, including children and during pregnancy.

Our fascial tissues run throughout the whole body and connect all the muscles, tendons, organs and bones together. Physical trauma, injury, emotional trauma, ageing, poor posture and inflammation all negatively affect our fascial system. Restoring health and fluidity to the fascia can have a positive physical and mental impact and improve your ability to move freely again and without pain.

What are the benefits of Myofasical Release?

  • Reduction in pain and tension
  • Improved joint mobility
  • Increased injury recovery
  • Improved balance and proprioception
  • Feeling of relaxation
  • Improved sleep and digestion
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved general health & wellbeing

(Duncan, 2014)

Who can benefit from Myofasical Release?

Below are examples of conditions helped by MFR:

  • Back, neck and pelvic pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Whiplash
  • Sports injuries
  • Chronic pain
  • Sciatica and disc problems
  • Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia
  • Adhesions and painful scars
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Jaw pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Myofascial pain syndrome

(Barnes, 2016)

What to expect in your session

Your therapist will first take a thorough history and assess your movement patterns to identify any fascial restrictions and devise a tailored treatment plan for you. MFR is performed without oil which allows your therapist to feel and work deeper into the myofascial tissues. Skilled ‘listening’ hands are used to release tension and enable long lasting change.

The therapist will apply gentle, sustained pressure and compression for 3 – 5 minute durations to achieve optimal effects. Some techniques are very subtle whilst other direct techniques aim to work deeper through the tissue layers.  The techniques may be performed seated, standing or lying down.

MFR may be used together with massage or as a stand alone treatment.

For chronic problems, a series of myofascial treatments may be recommended to treat the whole body effectively.

How will I feel during and after my session?

Myofascial Release is often reported to feel deeply relaxing and restorative. The massage movements are very slow and sustained and are therefore not normally painful. Occasionally, some therapeutic discomfort may be felt during the treatment, but this should only bring positive benefits to the body. It is normal to feel stiff or tired temporarily after your session if you have been holding a lot of tension in your body or have experienced an emotional or physical release. Your therapist will provide home care advice to get the most out of your session, including remedial exercises.

Myofascial Release at Comfort Health

Your Therapist Zoe is an Advanced Myofascial Release Therapist and Remedial Massage Therapist she is registered with Myofascial Release UK. Her personal experience with chronic pain enables her to work sensitively with others experiencing symptoms from physical and emotional pain and this is central to her work.

We offer initial appointment which are 90 minutes and follow-up appointments which can be 60 or 90 minutes.

If you would like to make an appointment use our booking link below. Zoe does have limited availability so if you can’t find a date available give us a call or drop us an email.