We are working our way up the body, covering running injuries that you don’t normally hear about!

This week we are going to discuss Trochanteric Bursitis.

What is it?

Image result for tensor fascia lata

A bursa is a fluid filled sac found at most sites around the body where friction can occur. The sac is filled with synovial fluid and when irritated through a build-up of friction due to tight muscle/tendons, the bursa inflames and pain can be both local and referred.

The previously slippery and smooth bursa is now enlarged, thickened and gritty. This leads to filling of any space and no longer provides the smooth surface for the reduction of friction in the area.

Pain is the main symptom and irritation is present with almost all movements of the area.


Early Warning Signs

– Pain over the outside upper thigh

– Discomfort particularly with movement

– Pain can start to radiate down the leg



The muscles located near the hip need to be released, this will help to reduce the amount of friction around the bursa, as well as reducing the swelling. Ice and anti-inflammatories are great at reducing pain and swelling. Whilst massage and trigger point therapy work well to reduce the tension in the ITB, abductors and hip rotators.

Performing exercises at home, can also be a great way of helping release tension and strengthen certain muscles.


What To Expect From A Physio/Sports Rehabilitator

This is one of those scenarios where the Physio/Rehabiltator may have to prescribe some rest. You need the friction to stop in order to reduce the inflammation. The aim of treatment is to get the bursa to decrease in size and irritability.


Getting Back to Running

Once the pain is manageable you can start to get back to running, however if you start to run too soon, then you can start the cycle of irritation and inflammation again. If you have been walking, climbing stairs, and tried a little jog, all without pain, you can follow the rehab run principle: 3 minutes of moderate paced running, followed by 2 minutes of stretches to the abductors and glutes (bum muscles). Repeat 5 times if pain-free, stop if pain returns at any stage.


Here At Comfort Health

If you feel like you may have Trochanteric bursitis we can help!! At Comfort Health we offer a range of therapies all that can aid in recovery and getting you back to running! Check out what we have to offer by heading to our website and get booked in to see one of our therapists today.